Anyone who knows me and my mom, knows our mannerisms and the way we talk could not be more spot on; it even freaks us out! I know for a fact the reason I act so much like my mom is because she is a woman to look up to. In recent years she has been through many trials physically and she has be determined not to be defined by them. My mom is constantly inspiring me! I say all of this because growing up whenever our "cupboards were bare" my mom would ALWAYS say "mother hubbards' cupboards are bare".
This week that saying could not be more truthful in our household. Since coming back from our trip to Dallas we have been exhausted and out of routine. I can't even remember the last time we grocery shopped and don't even get me started on how messy the house has been. Just saying it makes my heart ache a bit. Needless to say, our "meal planning" this week has failed miserably.
So tonight, when we got home from work and were tired of take out and discouraged by the lack of food in the house; I was determined to make a delicious meal out of the little we had (inspired by my father who is a master Short Order Cook, another story for another time). Here is what I came up with!
Chicken and Veggie Stir Fry Noodles
1/2 box whole wheat thin spaghetti
2 boneless chicken breast
1 head of broccoli
1 1/2 cups of frozen green beans
1 cup frozen soy beans
1/2 chopped white onion
2 chopped carrot sticks
1/4 cup jarred roasted red pepers (roughly choped)
1 clove of garlic (minced or pressed)
3 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp sirrache sauce
Red pepper flakes (to taste)
2 tsp brown sugar
To Make:
Key to Meal: DON'T ADD SALT! Soy sauce has more than enough salt for this dish.
Begin by mixing soy sauce, sirrache sauce, red pepper flakes, and brown sugar to create your stir fry sauce. Also prepare water for pasta by bringing it to a boil, then add your noodles.
Next cut raw chicken into bite size pieces. Dash pepper and red pepper flakes onto chicken. Prepare pan with cooking canola spray, make sure your burner is on med/high. Cook chicken until it is safe to eat but not dry. Note, your chicken will cook quickly. Add all veggies into pan and let them "sweat it out".
Then add stir fry sauce and strain cooked noodles. Toss noodles into finished stir fry and serve.
In all seriousness, I had no idea how this would turn out and I could not have been more presently surprised. I leave you with this; don't be afraid of what's in your kitchen, EVEN if "mother hubbard's cupboards are bare".
Maci K