Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Window Accessory Made Easy

Now before anyone begins to think that I am some amazing homemaker or anything of that sort, let me remind you that I am simply a new wife with limited materials and a small budget trying to make the most of our little one bedroom apartment.

Our last place was a one bedroom as well, therefore there hasn't been much that we have needed to buy. In our new place we have an additional little window in our kitchen that did not come with any type of window covering on it. However, it is a glass brick window which creates hardly any privacy on its own.

(I apologize for the picture quality, as of right now all of our pictures are taken on our iPhones.)

Neither Brandon or I felt comfortable with this so we put buying or creating a window covering (or as I prefer to call it "window accessory") high on our priority list. Since the window is small I knew we would need the curtains to be made to size. Currently I do not have the room or money to have my own sewing machine so I knew I would have to get creative. In my following of many blogs I have seen sewing tape or sewing glue mentioned before so I figured I would give it a try.

Yesterday my handy hubby and I put up our new window accessory. He did all the measuring, leveling and drilling of the curtain rod; I did the measuring, cutting, ironing and sticking of the curtain.

Now this may seem pretty self explanatory, but I figure, if I share how I do some things, you might also share how you do things and we may learn from each other.

Supplies: Scissors, Measuring Tape, Iron, Sewing tape

After Brandon placed and installed the curtain rod I measured the length that I wanted my curtain to be and cut the curtain width wise.

Next I ironed the entire curtain and also ironed the crease for the fold at the bottom of the curtain.

I then placed the sewing tape gently along the very bottom and back of the curtain. Once I was happy with its placement, I secured it by pressing the tape firmly and carefully against the curtain while ensuring all air bubbles were filled. I finished by removing the paper portion of the sewing tape and folding over the crease and securing the placement of the fabric on the tape.

Here is the sewing tape I used; I found it for less than $5 at Target.

I am very happy with the final product!
Maci K

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