Friday, August 26, 2011

Casual Friday

Happy Friday all!

In the spirit of Friday I would like to keep this post rather casual with a few of my random thoughts. Please buckle your seat belts because I have no idea where we might end up by the end of this post.

This morning while I was enjoying my daily cup of joe, catching up on the blogs I follow, I noticed Jack was going crazy by our back door. This usually means there is something exciting outside that he is planning his imaginary (since he is not allowed outside) attack against. Sure enough there was a creepy crawly lizard on our back patio. In order for you to understand the types of lizards we deal with here, I had to include a picture of this beast, that I like to call a mini dinosaur.

The way these mini dino's crawl is terrifying yet completely fascinating. I am pretty sure we have a few living underneath that stack of boxes.

I love reading magazines! I have a few to get caught up on at the moment, but in the midst of my daily activities and reading the many blogs I follow, I find that the magazines often are put on the back burner of my reading list.

With the growing popularity of blogs, I wonder what the future holds for magazines. This leads me to a conversation I often have with Brandon, paper books vs. digital books. I have heard talk of many schools considering using iPads or other forms digital tablets to store all textbooks instead of purchasing multiple hard copies of text books. I can't help but question this because I am a tactical kinesthetic learner (who also struggles with dyslexia). As a kinesthetic learner and a dyslexic I need to physically touch the pages of a book and actively read in order to better retain the information I am reading. This concerns me for children who struggle with the same types of learning disabilities that I have. This could lead me to a whole other conversation of school teaching systems and how they are set up for only one type of learner but I can save that for another time. Ultimately, what I am getting at, is I love to actually hold a book or magazine and flip through it as a relaxing activity.

As if reading my magazines, and blogs weren't enough I am also currently reading The Furious Longing of God by Brennan Manning. You may ask, how in the world do you have enough time to read all of these things?! My friends, remember, I am currently unemployed (looking for a job in a new town) and do not do well with so much spare time. So I have found myself reading more than I ever have in my life. This book is such an EASY read and I promise it has something in it for everyone! I told Brandon yesterday that this book has "Smacked me in the face", it is so good. During my second or third year at Vanguard, Brennan Manning came to the school and spoke for numerous chapels. I only wish I could go back a few years and sit in on those chapels again with the appreciation I would have for him today. He is a man with great life experiences and great wisdom. He writes so honestly and genuinely, while reminding us of Christ's longing for us. The theme though out the book is based on Song of Solomon 7:10 (NASB),

"I am my Beloved's,
and his desire is for me."

Such a simple concept yet so hard for us to accept.

I am done with my random ramblings for today. That wasn't too bad was it? It was wordier than I had planned. I hope all of you have a great, relaxing weekend!

Maci K

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