Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Leaving The Nest

Just two and a half short weeks ago my husband was offered a job with a film company in the Southern California area. We could not be more excited about this opportunity because this is an absolutely dream of his! As his wife I could not be more thrilled to support him through the pursuit of his dream, but I must admit packing up and leaving our home town where majority of both of our families live is not easy. This is another step in the process of two becoming one. We both went to college out of town and experienced “leaving the nest” for the first time. But after completing our schooling we returned to our home town in Northern California and recently got married. Now it is time for us to leave once again but this time I can’t help but be excited about the chance we have to further establish our selves as our own family. Despite the mix of emotions we feel as we prepare to leave we are looking forward to the journey this will be. Now as we are preparing emotionally for this next part in our lives it is also time to prepare our home for this transition....

Meet Jack our cat. He is dreading this process of packing up and leaving just as much as we are.

Now that the count down, is on I am strategically planning each step for our move to make it as smooth of a transition as possible, or at lease I hope to. About a month ago (prior to finding out about this move) we went through closets, both storage and clothes and cleaned house. We took all of the things we decided we no longer liked or used and brought them over to my parents house and had a garage sale; whatever we didn’t sell we gave to GoodWill. It feels good to have that part of the process done and out of the way. Now it is time to gather our supplies while attempting not to spend a penny.
 Once Brandon and I heard word that we were moving we kept our eyes pealed at each or our workplaces for any boxes in good condition. I also grabbed the old papers at my office that were going to be recycled anyways. While I was at it I figured I could get the office stocked with all paper needed and grabbed the paper boxes for myself. I believe we will need to purchase a few boxes but this will help in some of the costs.

Stay tuned as we walk through this journey.

Maci K

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