Friday, October 28, 2011

My Blogger Mistake!

I am the first to admit that Brandon and I are the worst at remembering to capture moments of life through pictures. This posed a problem when I started a blog, I knew I was going to have to get better at remembering to take pictures. So far I would say I have done really well, I still struggle to take pictures of us, but over all I have really improved at capturing the daily happenings of our life.... Except for today.

About a year ago a bought this collared blouse/dress from Old Navy, that I have worn literally twice since I got it. The issue I have had with it is the length. It wasn't appropriate to ever wear as a dress (even over leggings or tights) but it was too long to wear as a shirt, but I loved the classic beige plaid print! I have been thinking about cutting it and giving it a bit more shape.

So this morning before work I just decided I would just go ahead and do it so I could wear it to work. So I grabbed a pair of scissors and my sewing tape and it was complete before I knew it. I think I was half asleep when I did it, which is probably why I FORGOT TO TAKE PICTURES! When I got home from work tonight I took a few pictures of the finished project.

Here is my first DIY fashion project. I simply made sure the blouse was lined up as it was designed and folded it in half.

Before it was aproximately 5 inches longer and completely straight across at the bottom.... Blah, boring! I used scissors to create a bit of shape.  In order to create a finished look, as if it were sewn, I used my handy dandy sewing tape and I think most people would never even notice the difference!

Now I feel much more comfortable wearing it either tucked in with jeans or sinched in at the waist with a great belt! I might even make a fabric flower out of the left over fabric. If you want more ideas or inspiration for DIY fashion projects check out A Pair & A Spare; I'm pretty sure Geneva is brilliant!

Hope you have a great weekend!

Maci K

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