Friday, January 20, 2012

Friday Five

I'm trying something new this week. In my effort to not only blog more but also blog more intentionally, I am trying a new weekly (or to be quite honest, semi-weekly) tradition. I recently was inspired to have a weekly post to share things throughout the week that I am thankful for or things that simply made me happy this week. My heart is for this to never turn into a bragging session, but rather an opportunity to slow down the pace of life by acknowledging the good in life. No matter the tough week or bad days there are always things we can find to be thankful for or that make us happy. So here goes nothing....

I am thankful for the the fun gourmet burgers Brandon made!

I am thankful it was finally cold enough to wear my boots! After about a month of 80-90 degree weather it finally dropped into the 60-70's! Yes, I know, that is still rather warm but for our little desert town that is cold and I am grateful.

I'm thankful for my husband who appreciates organization almost as much as I do. He treated me to completely unloading all of the groceries this week and this is what it looked like!

I love the trend of arranging books by color!

Grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup on a sick day... enough said.

Have a great weekend!

Maci K


  1. I love this idea Maci. (I may have to steal it.) It is good to dedicate a time to think about the great things God gives us every day :)

  2. Thanks Hannah! It's a fun way to slow things down.
